Source code for superflexpy.utils.numerical_approximator

Copyright 2020 Marco Dal Molin et al.

This file is part of SuperflexPy.

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This file is part of the SuperflexPy modelling framework. For details about it,
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CODED BY: Marco Dal Molin
DESIGNED BY: Marco Dal Molin, Fabrizio Fenicia, Dmitri Kavetski

This file contains the implementation of the base class for the numerical
approximator to be used to solve the elements governed by ODEs.
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import inspect

[docs] class NumericalApproximator(): """ This is the abstract class for the creation of a NumericalApproximator. It defines how the approximator of the differential equation must be implemented to fit in the framework """ architecture = None """ Defines if the element is implemented using some pre-compiled libraries (e.g. numba) """ _error_message = '' """ String to use when displaying errors. It should contain general information about the class """
[docs] def __init__(self, root_finder): """ The constructor of the subclass must accept the parameters of the approximator. Parameters ---------- root_finder : superflexpy.utils.root_finder.RootFinder Solver used to find the root(s) of the differential equation(s). """ self._root_finder = root_finder
[docs] def solve(self, fun, S0, **kwargs): """ This method solves an approximation of the ODE. Parameters ---------- fun : list(function) List of functions to calculate the fluxes of the ODEs. One equation for ODE. The function must accept: - State, called S, used to evaluate the fluxes - Initial state of the element, called S0, used to calculate the mainimum and maximum possible state of the reservoir - Other parameters (**kwargs) needed to calculate the fluxes The function must return: - list of fluxes with positive sign if incoming and negative if outgoing - minimum possible value of the state - maximum possible value of the state S0 : list(float) Initial states used for the ODEs. One value per fun **kwargs Additional arguments needed by fun. It must also contain dt. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of solutions of the ODEs. It is a 2D array with dimensions (#timesteps, #functions) """ # Divide between scalar and vector parameters scalars = [] vectors = [] for k in kwargs: if isinstance(kwargs[k], np.ndarray): vectors.append(k) elif isinstance(kwargs[k], float): scalars.append(k) else: message = '{}the parameter {} is of type {}'.format(self._error_message, k, type(kwargs[k])) raise TypeError(message) if len(vectors) == 0: num_ts = 1 else: num_ts = len(kwargs[vectors[0]]) if 'dt' not in kwargs: message = '{}\'dt\' must be in kwargs' raise KeyError(message) # Transform dt in vector since we always need it if 'dt' not in vectors: kwargs['dt'] = np.array([kwargs['dt']] * num_ts) # Construct the output array output = [] # Set architecture if self.architecture == 'python': self._solve = self._solve_python elif self.architecture == 'numba': self._solve = self._solve_numba for f, s_zero in zip(fun, S0): # Find which parameters the function needs if self.architecture == 'python': fun_pars = list(inspect.signature(f).parameters) elif self.architecture == 'numba': # fun_pars = list(inspect.signature(f).parameters) fun_pars = list(inspect.signature(f.py_func).parameters) args = [] for arg in fun_pars: if arg in ['S', 'S0', 'ind']: continue elif arg == 'dt': args.append(kwargs[arg]) # We want to treat it differently elif arg in vectors: args.append(kwargs[arg]) elif arg in scalars: args.append(np.array([kwargs[arg]] * num_ts)) args = tuple(args) root_settings = self._root_finder.get_settings() output.append(self._solve(root_finder=self._root_finder.solve, # Passing just the method diff_eq=self._differential_equation, fun=f, S0=s_zero, dt=kwargs['dt'], num_ts=num_ts, args=args, root_settings=root_settings)) return np.array(output).reshape((-1, len(fun)))
def get_fluxes(self, fluxes, S, S0, **kwargs): output = [] for i, (f, s_zero) in enumerate(zip(fluxes, S0)): # The function is only python. No need of numba in get_fluxes fun_pars = list(inspect.signature(f).parameters) args = [] for arg in fun_pars: if arg in ['S', 'S0', 'ind']: continue else: args.append(kwargs[arg]) args = tuple(args) output.append(self._get_fluxes(fluxes=f, S=S[:, i], # S is a 2d np array S0=s_zero, args=args, dt=kwargs['dt'])) return output @staticmethod def _solve_python(root_finder, diff_eq, fun, S0, dt, num_ts, args, root_settings): # here args are all vectors of the same lenght # Note: root_settings not used. Here only to have uniform interface output = np.zeros(num_ts) for i in range(num_ts): # Call the root finder root = root_finder(diff_eq=diff_eq, fluxes=fun, S0=S0, dt=dt, ind=i, args=args) output[i] = root S0 = output[i] return output @staticmethod @nb.jit(nopython=True) def _solve_numba(root_finder, diff_eq, fun, S0, dt, num_ts, args, root_settings): # here args are all vectors of the same lenght output = np.zeros(num_ts) for i in range(num_ts): # Call the root finder root = root_finder(diff_eq=diff_eq, fluxes=fun, S0=S0, dt=dt, ind=i, args=args, tol_F=root_settings[0], tol_x=root_settings[1], iter_max=root_settings[2]) output[i] = root S0 = output[i] return output @staticmethod def _differential_equation(fluxes, S, S0, dt, args): raise NotImplementedError('The method _differential_equation must be implemented') @staticmethod def _get_fluxes(fluxes, S, S0, args, dt): raise NotImplementedError('The method _get_fluxes must be implemented')