Source code for superflexpy.framework.unit

Copyright 2020 Marco Dal Molin et al.

This file is part of SuperflexPy.

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This file is part of the SuperflexPy modelling framework. For details about it,
visit the page

CODED BY: Marco Dal Molin
DESIGNED BY: Marco Dal Molin, Fabrizio Fenicia, Dmitri Kavetski

This file contains the implementation of the Unit class.

from copy import copy, deepcopy
from ..utils.generic_component import GenericComponent

[docs] class Unit(GenericComponent): """ This class defines a Unit. A unit can be part of a node and it is a collection of elements. It's task is to build the basic structure, connecting different elements. Mathematically, it is a directed acyclic graph. """
[docs] def __init__(self, layers, id, parameters=None, states=None, copy_pars=True): """ This is the initializer of the class Unit. Parameters ---------- layers : list(list(superflexpy.framework.element.BaseElement)) This list defines the structure of the unit. The elements are arranged in layers (upstream to downstream) and each layer can contain multiple elements. id : str Identifier of the unit. All the units of the framework must have an identifier. copy_pars : bool True if the parameters of the elements are copied instead of being shared among the different Units. """ self._error_message = 'module : superflexPy, Unit : {},'.format(id) self._error_message += ' Error message : ' # Handle local parameters and states if parameters is not None: self._local_parameters = parameters if states is not None: self._local_states = states self._init_local_states = deepcopy(states) if copy_pars: # Deep-copy the elements self._layers = [] for l in layers: self._layers.append([]) for el in l: self._layers[-1].append(deepcopy(el)) else: self._layers = layers = id self._check_layers() self.add_prefix_parameters(id) self.add_prefix_states(id) self._construct_dictionary()
[docs] def set_input(self, input): """ This method sets the inputs to the unit. Parameters ---------- input : list(numpy.ndarray) List of input fluxes. """ self.input = input
[docs] def get_output(self, solve=True): """ This method solves the Unit, solving each Element and putting together their outputs according to the structure. Parameters ---------- solve : bool True if the elements have to be solved (i.e. calculate the states). Returns ------- list(numpy.ndarray) List containing the output fluxes of the unit. """ # Set the first layer (it must have 1 element) self._layers[0][0].set_input(self.input) for i in range(1, len(self._layers)): # Collect the outputs outputs = [] for el in self._layers[i - 1]: if el.num_downstream == 1: outputs.append(el.get_output(solve)) else: loc_out = el.get_output(solve) for o in loc_out: outputs.append(o) # Fill the inputs ind = 0 for el in self._layers[i]: if el.num_upstream == 1: el.set_input(outputs[ind]) ind += 1 else: loc_in = [] for _ in range(el.num_upstream): loc_in.append(outputs[ind]) ind += 1 el.set_input(loc_in) # Return the output of the last element return self._layers[-1][0].get_output(solve)
[docs] def append_layer(self, layer): """ This method appends a layer to the structure. Parameters ---------- layer : list(superflexpy.framework.elements.BaseElement) Layer to be appended. """ self.insert_layer(layer, position=len(self._layers))
[docs] def insert_layer(self, layer, position): """ This method inserts a layer in the unit structure. Parameters ---------- layer : list(superflexpy.framework.elements.BaseElement) Layer to be inserted. position : int Position where the layer is inserted. """ layer_loc = [] for el in layer: layer_loc.append(deepcopy(el)) self._layers.insert(position, layer_loc) self._construct_dictionary() self._check_layers()
# def parse_structure(self, structure): # raise NotImplementedError('Functionality in the TODO list')
[docs] def get_internal(self, id, attribute): """ This method allows to inspect attributes of the objects that belong to the unit. Parameters ---------- id : str Id of the object. attribute : str Name of the attribute to expose. Returns ------- Unknown Attribute exposed """ return self._find_attribute_from_name(id, attribute)
[docs] def call_internal(self, id, method, **kwargs): """ This method allows to call methods of the objects that belong to the unit. Parameters ---------- id : str Id of the object. method : str Name of the method to call. Returns ------- Unknown Output of the called method. """ method = self._find_attribute_from_name(id, method) return method(**kwargs)
[docs] def add_prefix_parameters(self, id): """ This method adds the prefix to the parameters of the elements that are contained in the unit. Parameters ---------- id : str Prefix to add. """ # Add prefix to local parameters if '_' in id: message = '{}The prefix cannot contain \'_\''.format(self._error_message) raise ValueError(message) if self._local_parameters: # the following block runs only if the dictionary is not empty # Extract the prefixes in the parameters name splitted = list(self._local_parameters.keys())[0].split('_') if id not in splitted: # Apply the prefix for k in list(self._local_parameters.keys()): value = self._local_parameters.pop(k) self._local_parameters['{}_{}'.format(id, k)] = value # Save the prefix for furure uses self._prefix_local_parameters = '{}_{}'.format(id, self._prefix_local_parameters) for l in self._layers: for el in l: try: el.add_prefix_parameters(id) except AttributeError: continue
[docs] def add_prefix_states(self, id): """ This method adds the prefix to the states of the elements that are contained in the unit. Parameters ---------- id : str Prefix to add. """ # Add prefix to local states if '_' in id: message = '{}The prefix cannot contain \'_\''.format(self._error_message) raise ValueError(message) if self._local_states: # the following block runs only if the dictionary is not empty # Extract the prefixes in the parameters name splitted = list(self._local_states.keys())[0].split('_') if id not in splitted: # Apply the prefix for k in list(self._local_states.keys()): value = self._local_states.pop(k) self._local_states['{}_{}'.format(id, k)] = value value = self._init_local_states.pop(k) self._init_local_states['{}_{}'.format(id, k)] = value # Save the prefix for furure uses self._prefix_local_states = '{}_{}'.format(id, self._prefix_local_states) # add the Prefix to the elements for l in self._layers: for el in l: try: el.add_prefix_states(id) except AttributeError: continue
[docs] def _construct_dictionary(self): """ This method populates the self._content_pointer dictionary. """ self._content_pointer = {} for i in range(len(self._layers)): for j in range(len(self._layers[i])): if self._layers[i][j].id in self._content_pointer: message = '{}The element {} already exist.'.format(self._error_message, self._layers[i][j].id) raise KeyError(message) self._content_pointer[self._layers[i][j].id] = (i, j) self._content = {} for k in self._content_pointer.keys(): l, el = self._content_pointer[k] self._content[(l, el)] = self._layers[l][el]
[docs] def _find_attribute_from_name(self, id, function): """ This method is used to find the attributes or methods of the components contained for post-run inspection. Parameters ---------- id : str Identifier of the component function : str Name of the attribute or method Returns ------- Unknown Attribute or method to inspect """ # Search the element (l, el) = self._find_content_from_name(id) element = self._layers[l][el] # Call the function on the element try: method = getattr(element, function) except AttributeError: message = '{}the method {} does not exist.'.format(self._error_message, function) raise AttributeError(message) return method
[docs] def _check_layers(self): """ This method controls if the layers respect all the rules in terms of number of upstream/downstream elements. """ # Check layer 0 if len(self._layers[0]) != 1: message = '{}layer 0 has {} elements.'.format(self._error_message, len(self._layers[0])) raise ValueError(message) if self._layers[0][0].num_upstream != 1: message = '{}The element in layer 0 has {} upstream elements.'.format(self._error_message, len(self._layers[0][0].num_upstream)) raise ValueError(message) # Check the other layers for i in range(1, len(self._layers)): num_upstream = 0 num_downstream = 0 for el in self._layers[i - 1]: num_downstream += el.num_downstream for el in self._layers[i]: num_upstream += el.num_upstream if num_downstream != num_upstream: message = '{}Downstream : {}, Upstream : {}'.format(self._error_message, num_downstream, num_upstream) raise ValueError(message) # Check last layer if len(self._layers[-1]) != 1: message = '{}last layer has {} elements.'.format(self._error_message, len(self._layers[-1])) raise ValueError(message) if self._layers[-1][0].num_downstream != 1: message = '{}The element in the last layer has {} downstream elements.'.format(self._error_message, len(self._layers[-1][0].num_downstream)) raise ValueError(message)
# MAGIC METHODS def __copy__(self): layers = [] for l in self._layers: layers.append([]) for el in l: layers[-1].append(copy(el)) p = self._local_parameters s = deepcopy(self._local_states) unit = self.__class__(layers=layers,, parameters=p, states=s, copy_pars=False) # False because the copy is customized here unit._prefix_local_parameters = self._prefix_local_parameters unit._prefix_local_states = self._prefix_local_states return unit def __deepcopy__(self, memo): p = deepcopy(self._local_parameters) s = deepcopy(self._local_states) unit = self.__class__(layers=self._layers,, parameters=p, states=s, copy_pars=True) # init already implements deepcopy unit._prefix_local_parameters = self._prefix_local_parameters unit._prefix_local_states = self._prefix_local_states return unit def __repr__(self): str = 'Module: superflexPy\nUnit: {}\n'.format( str += 'Layers:\n' id_layer = [] for l in self._layers: id_layer.append([]) for el in l: id_layer[-1].append( str += '\t{}\n'.format(id_layer) for l in self._layers: for el in l: str += '********************\n' str += el.__repr__() str += '\n' return str