Source code for superflexpy.framework.node

Copyright 2020 Marco Dal Molin et al.

This file is part of SuperflexPy.

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This file is part of the SuperflexPy modelling framework. For details about it,
visit the page

CODED BY: Marco Dal Molin
DESIGNED BY: Marco Dal Molin, Fabrizio Fenicia, Dmitri Kavetski

This file contains the implementation of the Node class.

from copy import copy, deepcopy
from ..utils.generic_component import GenericComponent
from .unit import Unit

[docs] class Node(GenericComponent): """ This class defines a Node. A node can be part of a network and it is a collection of Units. It's task is to sum the outputs of the Units, applying, if present, a routing. """
[docs] def __init__(self, units, weights, area, id, parameters=None, states=None, shared_parameters=True): """ This is the initializer of the class Node. Parameters ---------- units : list(superflexpy.framework.unit.Unit) List of Units contained in the Node. weights : list List of weights to be applied to the Units when putting together their outputs. The order must be the same used in the units list. If a weight is a list, then different fluxes coming from the same unit have a different weight. area : float Influence area of the node. It is the net value: if a node has other nodes upstream, their area is not counted. id : str Identifier of the node. All the nodes of the framework must have an identifier. shared_parameters : bool True if the parameters of the Units are shared among the different Nodes. """ = id self._error_message = 'module : superflexPy, Node : {},'.format(id) self._error_message += ' Error message : ' # Handle local parameters and states if parameters is not None: self._local_parameters = parameters if states is not None: self._local_states = states self._init_local_states = deepcopy(states) self._content = [] for h in units: if not isinstance(h, Unit): message = '{}units must be instance of the Unit class'.format(self._error_message) raise TypeError(message) if shared_parameters: self._content.append(copy(h)) else: self._content.append(deepcopy(h)) self.area = area self._content_pointer = { i for i, hru in enumerate(self._content)} self._weights = deepcopy(weights) self.add_prefix_parameters(id, shared_parameters) self.add_prefix_states(id)
[docs] def set_input(self, input): """ This method sets the inputs to the node. Parameters ---------- input : list(numpy.ndarray) List of input fluxes. """ self.input = input
[docs] def get_output(self, solve=True): """ This method solves the Node, solving each Unit and putting together their outputs according to the weight. Parameters ---------- solve : bool True if the elements have to be solved (i.e. calculate the states). Returns ------- list(numpy.ndarray) List containig the output fluxes of the node. """ # Set the inputs for h in self._content: h.set_input(deepcopy(self.input)) # Calculate output if isinstance(self._weights[0], float): for i, (h, w) in enumerate(zip(self._content, self._weights)): loc_out = h.get_output(solve) if i == 0: output = [o * w for o in loc_out] else: for j in range(len(output)): output[j] += loc_out[j] * w else: for i, (h, w) in enumerate(zip(self._content, self._weights)): loc_out = h.get_output(solve) out_count = 0 if i == 0: output = [] for j in range(len(w)): if w[j] is None: output.append(0) else: output.append(loc_out[out_count] * w[j]) out_count += 1 else: for j in range(len(w)): if w[j] is None: continue else: output[j] += loc_out[out_count] * w[j] out_count += 1 return self._internal_routing(output)
[docs] def get_internal(self, id, attribute): """ This method allows to inspect attributes of the objects that belong to the node. Parameters ---------- id : str Id of the object. If it is not a unit, it must contain the ids of the object containing it. If, for example it is an element, the id will be idUnit_idElement. attribute : str Name of the attribute to expose. Returns ------- Unknown Attribute exposed """ hru_num, ele = self._find_attribute_from_name(id) if ele: ele_id = id.split('_')[-1] return self._content[hru_num].get_internal(ele_id, attribute) else: try: method = getattr(self._content[hru_num], attribute) return method except AttributeError: message = '{}the attribute {} does not exist.'.format(self._error_message, attribute) raise AttributeError(message)
[docs] def call_internal(self, id, method, **kwargs): """ This method allows to call methods of the objects that belong to the node. Parameters ---------- id : str Id of the object. If it is not a unit, it must contain the ids of the object containing it. If, for example it is an element, the id will be idUnit_idElement. method : str Name of the method to call. Returns ------- Unknown Output of the called method. """ hru_num, ele = self._find_attribute_from_name(id) if ele: ele_id = id.split('_')[-1] return self._content[hru_num].call_internal(ele_id, method, **kwargs) else: try: method = getattr(self._content[hru_num], method) return method(**kwargs) except AttributeError: message = '{}the method {} does not exist.'.format(self._error_message, method) raise AttributeError(message)
[docs] def add_prefix_parameters(self, id, shared_parameters): """ This method adds the prefix to the parameters of the elements that are contained in the node. Parameters ---------- id : str Prefix to add. """ # Add prefix to local parameters if '_' in id: message = '{}The prefix cannot contain \'_\''.format(self._error_message) raise ValueError(message) if self._local_parameters: # the following block runs only if the dictionary is not empty # Extract the prefixes in the parameters name splitted = list(self._local_parameters.keys())[0].split('_') if id not in splitted: # Apply the prefix for k in list(self._local_parameters.keys()): value = self._local_parameters.pop(k) self._local_parameters['{}_{}'.format(id, k)] = value # Save the prefix for furure uses self._prefix_local_parameters = '{}_{}'.format(id, self._prefix_local_parameters) if not shared_parameters: for h in self._content: h.add_prefix_parameters(id)
[docs] def add_prefix_states(self, id): """ This method adds the prefix to the states of the elements that are contained in the node. Parameters ---------- id : str Prefix to add. """ # Add prefix to local states if '_' in id: message = '{}The prefix cannot contain \'_\''.format(self._error_message) raise ValueError(message) if self._local_states: # the following block runs only if the dictionary is not empty # Extract the prefixes in the parameters name splitted = list(self._local_states.keys())[0].split('_') if id not in splitted: # Apply the prefix for k in list(self._local_states.keys()): value = self._local_states.pop(k) self._local_states['{}_{}'.format(id, k)] = value value = self._init_local_states.pop(k) self._init_local_states['{}_{}'.format(id, k)] = value # Save the prefix for furure uses self._prefix_local_states = '{}_{}'.format(id, self._prefix_local_states) for h in self._content: h.add_prefix_states(id)
[docs] def external_routing(self, flux): """ This methods applies the external routing to the fluxes. External routing is the one that affects the fluxes moving from the outflow of this node to the outflow of the one downstream. This function is used by the Network. Parameters ---------- flux : list(numpy.ndarray) List of fluxes on which the routing has to be applied. """ # No routing return flux
[docs] def _find_attribute_from_name(self, id): """ This method is used to find the attributes or methods of the components contained for post-run inspection. Parameters ---------- id : str Identifier of the component Returns ------- int, bool Index of the component to look for and indication if it is an element (True) or not. """ splitted = id.split('_') hru_num = self._find_content_from_name(id) if len(splitted) == 2: return (hru_num, True) # We are looking for an element elif len(splitted) == 1: return (hru_num, False) # We are looking for a unit else: raise ValueError('Tmp for debug in node')
[docs] def _internal_routing(self, flux): """ Internal routing is the one that affects the flux coming to the Units and reaching the outflow of the node. This function is internally used by the node. """ # No routing return flux
# MAGIC METHODS def __copy__(self): message = '{}A Node cannot be copied'.format(self._error_message) raise AttributeError(message) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): message = '{}A Node cannot be copied'.format(self._error_message) raise AttributeError(message) def __repr__(self): str = 'Module: superflexPy\nNode: {}\n'.format( str += 'Units:\n' str += '\t{}\n'.format([ for h in self._content]) str += 'Weights:\n' str += '\t{}\n'.format(self._weights) for h in self._content: str += '********************\n' str += '********************\n' str += h.__repr__() str += '\n' return str