Source code for

Copyright 2020 Marco Dal Molin et al.

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CODED BY: Marco Dal Molin
DESIGNED BY: Marco Dal Molin, Fabrizio Fenicia, Dmitri Kavetski

This file contains the implementation of the Network class.

from ..utils.generic_component import GenericComponent
from .node import Node

[docs] class Network(GenericComponent): """ This class defines a Network. A network is a collection of Nodes and it is used to route the fluxes from upstream to downstream. A network must be a tree. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nodes, topology): """ This is the initializer of the class Network. Parameters ---------- nodes : list(superflexpy.framework.node.Node) List of nodes that belongs to the network. The order is not important. topology : dict(str : str) Topology of the network. Keys are the id of the nodes and values are the id of the downstream node the key. Since the network must be a tree, each key has only one downstream element """ self._error_message = 'module : superflexPy, Network ,' self._error_message += ' Error message : ' for n in nodes: if not isinstance(n, Node): message = '{}units must be instance of the Unit class'.format(self._error_message) raise TypeError(message) self._content = nodes self._downstream = topology self._build_network()
[docs] def get_output(self, solve=True): """ This method solves the network, solving each node and putting together their outputs according to the topology of the network. Parameters ---------- solve : bool True if the elements have to be solved (i.e. calculate the states). Returns ------- :dict(str : list(numpy.ndarray)) Dictionary containig the output fluxes of all the nodes. """ # Keep track of the solved catchemts solved = {k: False for k in self._upstream.keys()} output = {} # Solve first the headwater for cat in self._headwater: output[cat] = self._content[self._content_pointer[cat]].get_output(solve) solved[cat] = True if len(self._content) != len(self._headwater): completed = False else: completed = True while not completed: for cat in self._upstream.keys(): if not solved[cat]: # Check if all the upstrams have been solves solvable = True for cat_up in self._upstream[cat]: if not solved[cat_up]: solvable = False if solvable: # Solve the current cathcment loc_out = self._content[self._content_pointer[cat]].get_output(solve) # Multiply for the area for i in range(len(loc_out)): loc_out[i] *= self._content[self._content_pointer[cat]].area for cat_up in self._upstream[cat]: routed_out = self._content[self._content_pointer[cat_up]].external_routing(output[cat_up]) if len(loc_out) != len(routed_out): message = '{}Upstream and downstream catchment have '.format(self._error_message) message += 'different number of fluxed. ' message += 'Upstream: {}, Local: {}'.format(len(routed_out), len(loc_out)) raise RuntimeError(message) for i in range(len(loc_out)): loc_out[i] += routed_out[i] * self._total_area[cat_up] for i in range(len(loc_out)): loc_out[i] /= self._total_area[cat] output[cat] = loc_out solved[cat] = True if self._downstream[cat] is None: completed = True return output
[docs] def get_internal(self, id, attribute): """ This method allows to inspect attributes of the objects that belong to the network. Parameters ---------- id : str Id of the object. If it is not a node, it must contain the ids of the object containing it. If, for example it is a unit, the id will be idNode_idUnit. attribute : str Name of the attribute to expose. Returns ------- Unknown Attribute exposed """ cat_num, ele = self._find_attribute_from_name(id) if ele: splitted = id.split('_') if len(splitted) == 3: # element ele_id = splitted[1] + '_' + splitted[2] else: # unit ele_id = splitted[1] return self._content[cat_num].get_internal(ele_id, attribute) else: try: method = getattr(self._content[cat_num], attribute) return method except AttributeError: message = '{}the attribute {} does not exist.'.format(self._error_message, attribute) raise AttributeError(message)
[docs] def call_internal(self, id, method, **kwargs): """ This method allows to call methods of the objects that belong to the the network. Parameters ---------- id : str Id of the object. If it is not a node, it must contain the ids of the object containing it. If, for example it is a unit, the id will be idNode_idUnit. method : str Name of the method to call. Returns ------- Unknown Output of the called method. """ cat_num, ele = self._find_attribute_from_name(id) if ele: splitted = id.split('_') if len(splitted) == 3: # element ele_id = splitted[1] + '_' + splitted[2] else: # unit ele_id = splitted[1] return self._content[cat_num].call_internal(ele_id, method, **kwargs) else: try: method = getattr(self._content[cat_num], method) return method(**kwargs) except AttributeError: message = '{}the method {} does not exist.'.format(self._error_message, method) raise AttributeError(message)
[docs] def _build_network(self): """ This method constructs all the structures needed to solve the network """ # Find the upstream catchments self._upstream = {k: [] for k in self._downstream.keys()} for cat in self._downstream.keys(): if self._downstream[cat] is not None: self._upstream[self._downstream[cat]].append(cat) for cat in self._upstream.keys(): if len(self._upstream[cat]) == 0: self._upstream[cat] = None # Find the headwater self._headwater = [k for k in self._upstream.keys() if self._upstream[k] is None] # Build the map from id to index self._content_pointer = { i for i, cat in enumerate(self._content)} # Calculate the total area self._total_area = {} solved = {k: False for k in self._upstream.keys()} # First the headwaters for cat in self._headwater: self._total_area[cat] = self._content[self._content_pointer[cat]].area solved[cat] = True if len(self._content) != len(self._headwater): completed = False else: completed = True while not completed: for cat in self._upstream.keys(): if not solved[cat]: # Check if all the upstrams have been solves solvable = True for cat_up in self._upstream[cat]: if not solved[cat_up]: solvable = False if solvable: # Solve the current cathcment area = self._content[self._content_pointer[cat]].area for cat_up in self._upstream[cat]: area += self._total_area[cat_up] self._total_area[cat] = area solved[cat] = True if self._downstream[cat] is None: completed = True
[docs] def _find_attribute_from_name(self, id): """ This method is used to find the attributes or methods of the components contained for post-run inspection. Parameters ---------- id : str Identifier of the component Returns ------- int, bool Index of the component to look for and indication if it is an element or a unit (True) or not. """ splitted = id.split('_') cat_num = self._find_content_from_name(id) # Options: None if cat_id not in id, number otherwise if len(splitted) >= 2: return (cat_num, True) # We are looking for a HRU or an element else: return (cat_num, False)
# MAGIC METHODS def __copy__(self): message = '{}A Network cannot be copied'.format(self._error_message) raise AttributeError(message) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): message = '{}A Network cannot be copied'.format(self._error_message) raise AttributeError(message) def __repr__(self): str = 'Module: superflexPy\nNetwork class\n' str += 'Nodes:\n' str += '\t{}\n'.format(list(self._content_pointer.keys())) str += 'Network:\n' str += '\t{}\n'.format(self._downstream) for cat in self._content: str += '********************\n' str += '********************\n' str += '********************\n' str += cat.__repr__() str += '\n' str += '\n' return str